Thursday, November 20, 2014

Just a Reminder: Keep a Smile on Your Face

Just a Reminder: Keep A Smile On Your Face

Things go up and down

Things go up and down in life! This will never change... So why cause yourself extra pain when you are in a low place? Low places do not cause us pain, it is our thoughts and attitude toward the situation. When we smile, it naturally releases endorphins in our body that make us feel better! Our brains are trained to feel better when we have a smile on our face, so why make things worse? Smile!!! Smile even when you are in pain, and it just might turn that bad day upside down.

Confidence in a smile

So many people in our world lack the confidence they need to accomplish the goals and tasks that they need to reach and complete! When we smile, it brings out our natural confidence for ourselves and others. When we look confident, others react more positively towards you... What builds confidence like positive reactions from those around you? How you feel about yourself is totally up to you today, so feel better about yourself, and encourage positivity from those around you with a smile! It might make all the difference!

Natural Smiles

Recently there has been a lot of information out about why traditional toothpaste might do more harm than good... I am not a scientist or a dentist, but it seems like there could be some benefits to using alternative methods like baking soda, peroxide, coconut oil, and clay based toothpastes. They say that when a person uses regular toothpaste, that the glycerin in them creates a coating over your teeth that prevents them from absorbing the minerals that they need to reach optimum health. I thought that since we were talking about smiles today, that I would share a little about what I have read and experienced with toothpaste alternatives.

I have a cavity in one of my teeth despite good oral hygiene practices, and after a friend mentioned it to me, I did some research and found that some people recommend things that I already had in my home instead of Toothpaste. I am currently using a combination of baking soda and peroxide each time I brush, and swishing with coconut oil for a couple minutes each morning and night. Since I began this regiment, My teeth feel cleaner throughout the day, my teeth are whiter, my gums look bright and healthy, and my breath stays fresh all day, despite what foods I may have eaten... So far it has been a plus for me!

Good Luck keeping your chin up, and a smile on your face all day long :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Putting the Right Stuff in!

 Putting The Right Stuff In!

Something Good for the Mind, Body And Spirit!!!
So, How often do we see the "Bad News" on TV, or hear about negative things on the radio, or read the newspaper and see everyone else's dirty Laundry... Those things always seem to leave a bad feeling, that lingers Right?! So here is what we are about at

Delivering Positive Messages
Reminding others of the GOOD in Humanity
Sharing tools and services that make our lives better

I really hope that everyone enjoys the Newsletter, let me know if anyone has any requests or suggestions!

Putting in the right stuff!!!
What?! OK, Sorry, let me clarify! Your Body needs the right type of food so that it can function at its best... But so does your mind and spirit! If you let your mind be filled with debauchery, without any wholesome nutriments, it will eventually "go bad".... That's why we decided to create this Newsletter... Each day we will give you food for thought (in a positive way) This way your mind stays healthy and happy! So take notice this week... and forever for that matter... and see what types of "food" that you are feeding your mind!

Meditation is the Good Food for the Spirit!!!
Meditation is the way to feed your Spirit. To learn to develop a calm mind is invaluable! Your body, Breath, and sleep all are a reflection of how healthy your mind is... Your mood, physical health, and drive are all affected when your mind is not in tip top shape! 10-15 minutes of meditation can really make a huge difference in your mental health, it would be a shame to miss out on nightly meditation, when it is so easy... Just sit... calm your breathing... and relax.... Ahhh