Monday, February 16, 2015

What makes you Happy? - TodaysKickStart Life Coaching in Atlanta

What Makes You Happy?
Learn the secrets that Life coaches use to help clients find happiness that they didn't see before.

So, What makes life coaching so beneficial for so many people? It is because with experience a person knows where to look for happiness :)

I know, this sounds crazy right?! But it is true... Everyone already has more happiness than they know what to do with, I can assure you that if you look deep enough that you will find it! The problem, is that we have so much pain covering it up... This is so unfortunate... that we allow ourselves to be burried by all of the negative around us, unfortunately "looking on the bright side" is actually a skill only present in a small percentage of people, but... it doesn't have to be that way, Happiness is a choice!
Life Coaching can help you to find Happiness

What does that mean? Happiness is a choice? It makes sense to those of us who choose to be happy, and i bet it could make sense to you to, but you just have to make the choice! Make the choice to sweep away all of the negative memories and suffering, so that your happiness has a chance to shine through. Here's the deal though, some people can shine no matter how much unhappiness is around and in them, because their happiness takes priority. They talk about positive things, think about positive things, probably even dream about positive things, and most importantly they DO Positive Things... If you don't make it a habit, then it won't work! This is the great thing about life coaching... It gives you the opportunity to consult with a person who not only has made it a habit to be happy, they are experts in guiding you towards the "happy habit place" in your life! A life coach doesn't change who you are or make adjustments to your life and personality, on the contrary, they simply help you to develop successful habits...

You don't need a Life Coach or Success Coach to be happy, you simply have to decide that you are going to begin developing habits that promote success and happiness! This sounds easy right?! Well following through with this is actually much more difficult than it sounds. This is where a life coach can come into play... Someone who has the knowledge to know which habits will help you to reach that happiness or success can be a great asset! This is what makes a coach so valuable! A soccer Coach doesn't make you a great soccer player, you do, but the coach can help you develop certain techniques that can increase your ability to be a great player, and a life coach is no different!

A Life Coach will not play the game of life for you, but they will be there on the sidelines keeping you moving towards the goal! I recommend a life coach for anyone who is not exactly where they want to be in life! If you are not reaching your fullest potential, then I would search for a success coach in your area, or get a hold of a TodaysKickStart Coach so that you can learn a little more about how life coaching can benefit your life and get you in contact with a certified life coach or success coach!

TodaysKickStart Life Coaching and Community Development
(678) 740-3243

To your Happiness and Success,
The TodaysKickStart Team

Monday, January 12, 2015

Are you Dedicated to Success?! Understanding Dedication and Balance

What does it mean to be dedicated? Well, people all over the world say that they are "dedicated to a cause", or "dedicated to family", or "dedicated to their business". I believe that dedication to these types of personal goals is important, but honestly, what percentage of those people are actually "Dedicated" to them?

Honestly, most people are dedicated to their selves, and their immediate desires... How about you? Do you do absolutely everything it takes to make your business successful, Do you stay up late to finish important projects, or stay at work late to finish an important project even though its "quitting time"?

How about your family? Do you rush home to spend time with your significant other and kids even though you have a big project due at work, or when you are tired after a long week do you wake up early on Saturday morning to play basketball with your son?

These are things that most people miss! They say they are dedicated to an issue because it is an important issue, not because they are dedicated. Dedicated means to do everything in your power to make the changes that you are dedicated to... Importance means that it is just an important topic on your mind.

Did anyone notice a contradiction when I was mentioning Family and Business dedication? Someone who is dedicated to work will stay late at work, and someone dedicated to family will leave work as soon as possible to spend time with family. How can someone be dedicated to two things that do not compliment eachother? The thing is, both business and family actually do compliment eachother! I would like to give an example:

If your family supports your business, then wouldn't it be easier for you to stay focused at work, and do an even more remarkable job? And doesn't your job directly support your family? They are interdependant... It is up to you to balance the two, so that you have harmony at home and work! This is probably one of the most talked about issues in Life Coaching and Counseling sessions. And it is up to you to make it work! When you do... You will probably find satisfaction and happiness in areas that you didn't expect.

Here's the deal.... It's actually really hard in the beginning to create that balance, but when you have cultivated your life and created a system that helps to keep these two difficult areas in harmony, then things will go much smoother, and both aspects of your life will be happier!

This does not mean that work/personal life balance will not have speed bumps, but as you master the skills needed, then even the speed bumps can be easier to manage than your best days now! The key is to be dedicated to success in this area! Just like any other area of your life, to be successful and reach those goals it has to be more than important, you have to be truly dedicated!

Good luck to everyone in finding your balance and realizing what it takes to be truly dedicated to your goals! For anyone who would like some help and guidance in this area, or coaching in other areas of your life, Success Coaching or Life Coaching may be a great option for you! TodaysKickStart Success Coaching Programs can have a tremendous impact on making positive changes in your life, and their are many different options to match your personal needs! Find out more information at

To your success,
Dan Wilson and the TodaysKickStart Team!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year, New Motivation!

New Year, New Motivation!

How many times have you vowed to follow your New Year's Resolution, to find that a couple months later, you have fallen off track? This happens to most people, but there are a few things that can keep you motivated to reaching those goals each year! It is important to hold yourself accountable (Maybe have an accountability partner), Set SMART Goals, and Reward yourself when you reach smaller milestones.

Holding yourself accountable is probably the most difficult challenge in reaching goals, especially one that lasts an entire year! Many of our KickStart Success Coaching Clients have found that having an accountability partner can make all the difference. It is key to choose an accountability partner that will actually do their job, and not take any excuses from you! Many of our clients decide to use their Success Coach as their accountability partner. This way they have someone that they can trust that will not judge them or nag them when they fall short, but will firmly hold them accountable without judgement.

Setting SMART Goals is also a great way of ensuring your success this year :)
S-Specific: Setting Specific Goals helps you to stay on track
M-Measurable: Measurable Goals help you to see your progress
A-Achievable: Make sure that your Resolution is something that you can achieve!
R-Realistic: Setting Unrealistic goals is common, but hurts motivation over time.
T-Timely: Give yourself a timeline for your Main goal as well as milestones

Atlanta Success Coaching

An important aspect of coaching is helping clients to Set and achieve goals, we focus a lot on setting SMART Goals! There is a lot of information on goal setting, but this is a simple way to stay on track.

Lastly it is a great idea to set a reward for each of your milestones. Set your rewards at the beginnning, so that you can look forward to them each time you reach a milestone. This will help you to stay motivated, and make reaching your New Years Resolution Goal more exciting! Happy New Year Everyone, and good luck following through with your New Years Resolution!

To your Success,
The TodaysKickStart Team

For more information on our success coaching services visit our website, or give us a call:
(678) 740-3243

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Just a Reminder: Keep a Smile on Your Face

Just a Reminder: Keep A Smile On Your Face

Things go up and down

Things go up and down in life! This will never change... So why cause yourself extra pain when you are in a low place? Low places do not cause us pain, it is our thoughts and attitude toward the situation. When we smile, it naturally releases endorphins in our body that make us feel better! Our brains are trained to feel better when we have a smile on our face, so why make things worse? Smile!!! Smile even when you are in pain, and it just might turn that bad day upside down.

Confidence in a smile

So many people in our world lack the confidence they need to accomplish the goals and tasks that they need to reach and complete! When we smile, it brings out our natural confidence for ourselves and others. When we look confident, others react more positively towards you... What builds confidence like positive reactions from those around you? How you feel about yourself is totally up to you today, so feel better about yourself, and encourage positivity from those around you with a smile! It might make all the difference!

Natural Smiles

Recently there has been a lot of information out about why traditional toothpaste might do more harm than good... I am not a scientist or a dentist, but it seems like there could be some benefits to using alternative methods like baking soda, peroxide, coconut oil, and clay based toothpastes. They say that when a person uses regular toothpaste, that the glycerin in them creates a coating over your teeth that prevents them from absorbing the minerals that they need to reach optimum health. I thought that since we were talking about smiles today, that I would share a little about what I have read and experienced with toothpaste alternatives.

I have a cavity in one of my teeth despite good oral hygiene practices, and after a friend mentioned it to me, I did some research and found that some people recommend things that I already had in my home instead of Toothpaste. I am currently using a combination of baking soda and peroxide each time I brush, and swishing with coconut oil for a couple minutes each morning and night. Since I began this regiment, My teeth feel cleaner throughout the day, my teeth are whiter, my gums look bright and healthy, and my breath stays fresh all day, despite what foods I may have eaten... So far it has been a plus for me!

Good Luck keeping your chin up, and a smile on your face all day long :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Putting the Right Stuff in!

 Putting The Right Stuff In!

Something Good for the Mind, Body And Spirit!!!
So, How often do we see the "Bad News" on TV, or hear about negative things on the radio, or read the newspaper and see everyone else's dirty Laundry... Those things always seem to leave a bad feeling, that lingers Right?! So here is what we are about at

Delivering Positive Messages
Reminding others of the GOOD in Humanity
Sharing tools and services that make our lives better

I really hope that everyone enjoys the Newsletter, let me know if anyone has any requests or suggestions!

Putting in the right stuff!!!
What?! OK, Sorry, let me clarify! Your Body needs the right type of food so that it can function at its best... But so does your mind and spirit! If you let your mind be filled with debauchery, without any wholesome nutriments, it will eventually "go bad".... That's why we decided to create this Newsletter... Each day we will give you food for thought (in a positive way) This way your mind stays healthy and happy! So take notice this week... and forever for that matter... and see what types of "food" that you are feeding your mind!

Meditation is the Good Food for the Spirit!!!
Meditation is the way to feed your Spirit. To learn to develop a calm mind is invaluable! Your body, Breath, and sleep all are a reflection of how healthy your mind is... Your mood, physical health, and drive are all affected when your mind is not in tip top shape! 10-15 minutes of meditation can really make a huge difference in your mental health, it would be a shame to miss out on nightly meditation, when it is so easy... Just sit... calm your breathing... and relax.... Ahhh